There must be something in the air when Set. 23 rolls around! Today marks the birthdays of numerous jazz greats. According to our in-house JazzTimes birthday calendar, the following were all born on this date (the year of birth is in parentheses). Some are no longer with us, but we celebrate them all the same.
Albert Ammons (1907)
John Coltrane (1926)
Frank Foster (1928)
Jimmy Woode (1928)
Ray Charles (1930)
Les McCann (1935)
Norma Winstone (1941)
Jeremy Steig (1943)
Christian Escoude
Don Grolnick (1947)
Birthday Greetings Galore Today: a Busy Day for Jazzers’ Moms
Coltrane, Ray Charles and several others were born Sept. 23